donderdag 21 mei 2009

maandag 11 mei 2009

She wants revenge

Recently I have begun to notice that You tube has created some filtering of videos. Meaning that I cannot find original video clips. Or at least most of the videos are hidden and you have to go to page 14 to find the original video of New Order’s “Crystal” Why? Publisher’s rights? May be, may be. Or may be the information flow is slowly getting limited and the Telecom Packages will be put into action without notice. Hope not!

In the meantime I wanted to share this video. A new band from California that joins my playlist. She Wants Revenge.

Me too, Youtube!!!

zondag 10 mei 2009

Die Welle

Erstaunlich! One of the coolest movies I've seen recently.

zaterdag 9 mei 2009

Pandemic !?!?!?

So yeah here we go again! Global Pandemic! I am a member of so many online clubs for traveling, sleep-over, backpacking and the like and I cannot believe that everybody falls into the same trap. Not global pandemic, my dears, but global FEAR. Yeah that’s the one that we have to fight. So, I am being sent cancellations of all sorts, “Meeting in Cancun cancelled because of deadly “virus””, “Cinema night – better not”, “Be careful with letting Mexicans Couch Surfers stay at you house”. I mean damn it people.. CNN and BBC show some numbers of questionable credibility, blaming it all on Mexico and that’s it. Fear, panic, stay at home, wash your hands 5 times a day, and do not touch each other. And nobody even thinks about how on Earth just out of the blue comes a deadly virus that has the potential of killing millions and become a global health threat? Simple answer…it cannot! It has either been carefully planned in advance to serve I don’t know whose interests and sprung out of some lab somewhere (hey AIDS did not come to Africa and Europe on its own right, so I doubt that it originates from Mexico City) or it’s just another scam by the media. To impose fear on us, to make us feel insecure, deepening (or may be shifting away the attention from) the economic crunch so when one day they come up with the solution we will be happy and desperate to accept it. Right? Vaccination, police control, unexpected examination of your house (if you are lucky to still have one) because you are “suspected” of having the virus. Well that almost happened to us – me and my housemate- but we said “No way!” She became a “suspect” just because she was coughing and went to buy some medicine. How crazy is that?

And everybody on TV is sooooo “stunned” all the time. “Amazing”, “Unexpected”, “Stunning”, “I’m baffled”. Sorry, but it just sound funny to me everything they say. Everything. And it’s sad that people DO NOT QUESTION all that. They simply watch TV, read newspapers and here we are.....another global thread. I mean I am getting confused now… what should we worry about first...Weapons of Mass Destruction, Global Financial Crisis or the New (manufactured) Pandemic?

Fear is the enemy. Not the Iraqis, not the economy and not the swine flue. Fear will not only take your freedoms away but even worse… will make you want to grant your own freedom to the eventual “saviors”. Oh don’t worry; Mr. Hope Obama is here to save us all. Right? Hope and Change. Nicee. Now I feel better.

I will be happy to read what do you think on this topic.
Thank you!

Hope on trial

'I'm hungry, mum, can I have some hope, please?'
'I'm so sorry, darling, you can't have hope today, only tomorrow - hope is always tomorrow.'
'So will I eat tomorrow, mum?'
'We can hope so now, dear, but when we get to tomorrow, we can only hope it's the next day.'

vrijdag 8 mei 2009

Message to you (me, us)

'... all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves.'

Bill Hicks, comedian

Emergency Broadcast: NWO

woensdag 6 mei 2009

San Jose

San Jose is

the smell of millions cars poisoning me each day.
the symphony of birds at 5 a.m. that wakes me up with the morning sun.
the streets with no names.
the Pilsen beer on Thursday night.
the children songs I hear every morning on my way to work.
fried yucca, ripe bananas, pneapples and beans.
the colorful intelligent self-destructive yought in front of Rafa’s bar.
poetry nights at the Rayuela.
stunning lush gardens surrounded by high concrete walls.
my lost soulmate
and my dull flame of desire
a bottle of golden rum.
the 40 degrees temperature at 8 am.
rivers of cheap Charlie
the talktive taxi driver.
the poor Nicaraguan children.
thousands of dentist clinics.
MSN and mosquitos
Ida my housemate and friend.
a hospitable local family.
a rainy afternoon.
the (not so) “crazy” beggards in front of la Chicha.
and la Chicha itself
Pura Vida.
the long movie nights.
and the short conversations over breakfast
Area city and New Wave
Carton wine boxes called Clos
Two-storey houses
the beatiful Mountain View on the way to the centre.
the sunset from my terrace.
The fruit market on Sunday morning
Christian music shows on Sunday night at Plaza de la Cultura
all this and much more left to experience in the months to follow

a new meaning of home.

maandag 4 mei 2009


I was running away from the SS. In corridors and dungeons, I was hidding in baskets, under sheets and pillows. I was finding new homes and they were always one step behind me. I could feel their breath, their guns pointing at me. I had a number and was alone. Running. Somebody said “Halt” and then I woke up….

And all that adventure because of this movie. Nightmares have been always torturing me after any information I have ever received about the WWII. Same in highschool in German seminars when we just had to be presented all that visual material. The same happened after every single movie on the topic and after (and during) reading “The Hands of Krupp”. Sometimes I was killing and torturing, sometimes I was tortured. And there’s always that taste in my mouth. Sauer…..

zondag 3 mei 2009


Man is an animal suspended in webs of significance he himself has spun. I take culture to be those webs, and the analysis of it to be therefore not an experimental science in search of law but an interpretive one in search of meaning.

Clifford Geertz

I can't believe it's over

zaterdag 2 mei 2009


Живеем тук. И нашият аквариум ни дава

възможност да достигнем до отсрещната стена

или до дъното, което обитават

два обли камъка, обрасли с мъх и тишина.

Нагоре щом насочим се с червените си перки,

докосваме и нашето небе — повърхността.

Това е свободата ни. Тя има мерки,

но в тези мерки има толкоз хубави неща:

храната ни питателна е винаги осигурена,

водата прясна е за всеки божи ден.

Тук любовта ни задължително е споделена,

додето другият поради смърт не бъде подменен.

Щастливи сме, макар зад стъклени стени, защото

заучените си игри повтаряме, додето дойде здрача

и радваме по този начин на стопанина окото.

Това е всъщност нашата задача.

Отглежда ни за красота, за радост дълготрайна

и няма въдица да клъвне никоя от нас.

Не знам защо понякога сънуваме случайно

по-друг живот — в море, в река и в тъмен аз…

Таньо Клисуров

Map of the piano