Once again the cruelty of human beings was professionally and touchingly documented. It even won an Academy Award. I understand it's brutal to kill whales and dolphins. I understand the cause of these people and the millions factors that make the cause impossible and the situation fairly hopeless. But after watching the whole documentary and after having watched many other similar films, I cannot help but ask the question. How is the killing of dolphins worse than and immoral compared to the killing of cows and chicken? Why is the slaughtering of dolphins brutal and inhuman, but the slaughtering of pigs, bulls, lambs is alright? It's acceptable, we all do it, it falls within the limits of tolerable murder (!?). Because dolphins are perceived cute, intelligent, graceful and etc. their killing is beyond comprehension. How about the other may be not so cute and graceful fish and other animals? They deserve it because they do not understand sign language?
I hope I am not the only one seeing a problem with this. Of course the whole thing is a problem, our rationality is the problem, but this emotional attachement to certain species and the indifference toward others makes the whole animal rights movement somewhat grotesque.
2 opmerkingen:
Do they kill them for their meat or just for the fun of it?
for the meat.. ...
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