I did not even rub my eyes at 5 a.m. In the the morning, when the alarm went off. The symphony of groans coming from the other beds in the dorm, protesting against the second and the third beep , did not even have the time to reach me, as I was dashing to the door. Toothbrush in one hand, backpack in the other- the usual artillery of every backpacker. I ran through all morning habits in a haze- toilet, teeth brushing, dressing up – and before I knew it, I was in the metro, walking towards the meeting point, sitting in the mini van and waiting for the time to come.
On the way to the Great Wall the scenery from the minivan was monotonous – bare three branches, factories, dumps. Nothing but an irksome overture to one of the world's unhidden wonders. When we arrived the place was nothing like my expectations (may be that's why people normally tell you to leave them home). Hundreds' of tourists, of course. Buses, cars, bikes, no surprise. Stalls and vendors, what else. But an entire fair, with carousels and little cars sliding downhill from the Wall was a bit uncommon. If you can scoop up your own piece of solitude, select the stairs instead of the lift.. well may be you can pass by the tourists commotion unnoticed. The weather was sunny and bright, welcoming and warm and the journey begun. From one sentinel post, to another, the view was changing every 5 minutes. A new hillside was added up with every 10 step. The Wall was changing with a snake-like move, generously inviting severe picture-taking.
And, no thank you, I don't want to buy a T-shirt.

I have hiked the Great Wall,
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