I wanna thank Radiohead for coming up with another ingenuous album exactly when I needed some musical support a.k.a. sleepless-nights-while-writing-useless-essays soundtrack. I think i listened to it 6-7 times in a row, it seems too short, too good, I can't manage to distinguish one song from another, I can't swallow the disappointment after the final second of Separator is over, and then back to number one, until I have squeezed 2000 words out of those swollen fingers, and I realize the mission is possible. Yes, I can write one useless essay in one only day/night. We are capable of many many things, so why limit ourselves. Yes, I want the world to know I damn love this album, but they could have added a few more extra songs actually. I am high on caffeine right now and I have abused the green tea bags (which for good or bad in excessive amounts cause insomnia), my right ankle is pulsing, I can feel it, oh Thom Yorke's voice is so soothing.
2 opmerkingen:
не се притеснявай, из няколко форума пише, че е вероятно до няколко месеца да пуснат и b-sides(дано болките след separator да утихнат). камо много те обичам и ти се кефя отдалеч! хоумито
aaaaa b-sides!!!! nai-obicham b-sides ama i teb mnogo te obicham, nqma li da mi napravish edno proletno-lqtno gosti, takova neochakvano i priqtno...
mmmm B-sidessss
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