zondag 3 januari 2010

Post-Thailand state of mind

Its time. We must begin again. Anew. I am slightly overwhelmed of the idea that 2010 will be better, more extreme, more life-changing, more creative and weird than 2009. Judging by its very beginning traveling will be part of it.
I know that all I wished for at the Countdown Party will happen. I will make it happen .
Fast-life is good but slow-life may be better.
Less thinking about yesterday and tomorrow and more focus on now.


I want Edinburgh to be as welcoming as Breda was 4 years ago.
Everything must run its course. And now my first night home (?) after the amazing 3 weeks of holiday around South East Asia I can close my eyes at peace and know that I am exactly at where I need and want to be, no matter what my emotional, homesick being is telling me sometimes.
2010 will be even better.
(this is how Thailand enhances positivism and life-loving moods, or it may just be the vitamin D overdose :)

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