zaterdag 9 mei 2009

Pandemic !?!?!?

So yeah here we go again! Global Pandemic! I am a member of so many online clubs for traveling, sleep-over, backpacking and the like and I cannot believe that everybody falls into the same trap. Not global pandemic, my dears, but global FEAR. Yeah that’s the one that we have to fight. So, I am being sent cancellations of all sorts, “Meeting in Cancun cancelled because of deadly “virus””, “Cinema night – better not”, “Be careful with letting Mexicans Couch Surfers stay at you house”. I mean damn it people.. CNN and BBC show some numbers of questionable credibility, blaming it all on Mexico and that’s it. Fear, panic, stay at home, wash your hands 5 times a day, and do not touch each other. And nobody even thinks about how on Earth just out of the blue comes a deadly virus that has the potential of killing millions and become a global health threat? Simple answer…it cannot! It has either been carefully planned in advance to serve I don’t know whose interests and sprung out of some lab somewhere (hey AIDS did not come to Africa and Europe on its own right, so I doubt that it originates from Mexico City) or it’s just another scam by the media. To impose fear on us, to make us feel insecure, deepening (or may be shifting away the attention from) the economic crunch so when one day they come up with the solution we will be happy and desperate to accept it. Right? Vaccination, police control, unexpected examination of your house (if you are lucky to still have one) because you are “suspected” of having the virus. Well that almost happened to us – me and my housemate- but we said “No way!” She became a “suspect” just because she was coughing and went to buy some medicine. How crazy is that?

And everybody on TV is sooooo “stunned” all the time. “Amazing”, “Unexpected”, “Stunning”, “I’m baffled”. Sorry, but it just sound funny to me everything they say. Everything. And it’s sad that people DO NOT QUESTION all that. They simply watch TV, read newspapers and here we are.....another global thread. I mean I am getting confused now… what should we worry about first...Weapons of Mass Destruction, Global Financial Crisis or the New (manufactured) Pandemic?

Fear is the enemy. Not the Iraqis, not the economy and not the swine flue. Fear will not only take your freedoms away but even worse… will make you want to grant your own freedom to the eventual “saviors”. Oh don’t worry; Mr. Hope Obama is here to save us all. Right? Hope and Change. Nicee. Now I feel better.

I will be happy to read what do you think on this topic.
Thank you!

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