zondag 28 juni 2009

A summary of a sunset

About a month ago I visited the museum of modern art in San Jose and the painting that amazed me the most was called "A summary of a sunset". How the hell do you summarize a sunset?- thought I confused. Well the artist used a very abstract approach - a quadrate blue base, one fourth of the quadrate painted in black (the bottom right-hand side), on top of that black one fourth there was a small yellow quadrate and that was it. The sunset, ladies and gentlemen, was summarized in 3 quadrates. I feel so sorry that I cannot show this picture here but I hope you got the idea. Instead, I’ve found other intriguing summaries of sunsets.

Monika Rudzinski - "Sunrise-Sunset (Dyptich)" (South Africa)

Mark Chadwick - "Sunset" (UK)

No artist name - "Ocean sunset" oil painting"

Chidi Okoye - "Sunset drummer" (USA)

No artist name - "Scandinavian sunset" (Finland)

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