donderdag 21 januari 2010

The men who stare at goats

For the fans of war comedies. The men who stare at goats is not only featuring some of the best Hollywood actors but its also hilariously taking a stand against the war in Iraq.
However, the movie (and the book, accordingly) are somehow a remote contemporary version of Catch-22. Most of the lines could have simply sprung out of the mouth of Jossarian, Appleby or Dobbs. The absurdness of the war and war-related topics (psychological war attacks) .. Brilliant and unquestionably ridiculous at the same time. When the guy who picked up Clooney’s and McGregor’s characters in the desert and started bragging about the improvement of Iraqi lifestyle.... I just could help but think about Milo Minderbinder and his explanation about the syndicates and the how to make money by buying eggs for 7 cents a piece and selling them for 5. Enjoy, the movie is worth it and the cast is brilliant.

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